8 oz Bottle Bedbug Killer Powder
Hot Shot Bedbug & Flea Killer Powder – look at label for info purposes
Bed Bug Killer – Diatomaceous Earth
Bed Bug Killer – Bed Bug Powder
Diatomaceous Earth for Bed Bugs | Get Rid of Bed Bugs
Hot Shot® Bedbug Application – Your Own Exterminator
How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs – The Home Depot
How to Apply on Bed & Mattress – Urbanns Bed Bug Powder
How to get rid of bed bugs 100%
How to Kill Bed Bugs FAST | Best Advice on Killing Bed Bugs Yourself | Natural Pest Control Tips
How to Get Rid Of Bed Bugs on Couches and Furniture

Amazon Price: N/A $7.99 (as of December 15, 2016 11:59 am –
Customer Reviews
Act as though you are preparing for WAR!!
130 people found this helpful.
I went to war with these bugs. It was going to be them or me. This product along with the protective mattress covers cured my bed bug problem in under two weeks. Mind you don’t think I had an infestation but it definitely could have turned into that. So let me tell you.
Merciless Insect Destruction in a Bottle
74 people found this helpful.
As far as I understand it, this is made of the dried up skeletons of diatoms. If you despise bugs as much as I do, you’ll be happy to know that if they traipse through this stuff, it will impale their exoskeletons, causing them to “bleed out” and dry up. A most agonizing end to the most abominable of pests. Huzzah!
Great product!!
121 people found this helpful.
I cant speak for no one else but me, but this product is great, and reasonable and effective. Especially for those of us on a budget. My friend spent over $500+, and is unsatisfied.
I’d recommend being extremely generous with it
25 people found this helpful.
Was still seeing bed bugs up to 4 days after laying it down, but after that, nothing. So gotta be patient, but it works. I’d recommend being extremely generous with it, laying it down everywhere, especially if the problem is bad, and leaving it for a few weeks. It doesn’t kill the eggs so you want to make sure it kills any that are newly hatched or you’ll get reinfested. You may be living in powder for a month or so, but it will rid you of the problem.
no more bed bugs!
97 people found this helpful.
I’ve had sleepless nights because of bed bug bites and it was terrible. My boyfriend recommended this product and it worked great. I dismantled my bed and put a decent amount of powder in every possible crevice and seams on the bed and bed frame. I also put powder on the legs of the bed so the bugs wouldn’t climb up or down from the bed. I recommend putting powder around your room and on carpet edges. It’s ok to be generous with the powder because it never seems to run out. The morning after I slept on my bed i found a squashed bed bug on my bed and it looked dried up. I’m guessing the powder did it because the powder is supposed to break open it’s exoskeleton and dehydrate it. After that I haven’t seen a single bed bug on my bed. Great product!
Traumatized by Bedbugs
46 people found this helpful.
My family and I have been traumatized by a bedbug infestation that has been very difficult to resolve. The little pesky suckers have traveled with us to 3 different residences. My child is allergic to their saliva so he has constantly had to deal with skin irritation, inflammation, and mild abrasions all over his body. We have tried everything, vacuuming everyday, checking items that we bring into our home, professional pest controllers, foggers and many different sprays advertising begbug termination. I even came home daily and flipped all my furniture to begbug hunt. We brought mattress covers only for them to just attach themselves to them. Nothing has worked, there seems to be less during the winter months but they show up in high numbers during the months when it is hot. I purchased the Harris Bedbug DE after I first steamed my furniture with a steamer approved for killing bed bugs. I set bedbug traps on the legs of my furniture and lined all wall edges with the powder. I sprayed the powder inside our couches and bed frames. I can’t speak yet for the long term affect of this product, but I will say that I’ve only seen 3 bedbugs since putting the powder down and two were already dead. My son has not been bitten, Hallelujah! It has only been a month and a half since I used the product but so far I am happy with the results!
Gets rid of bed bugs for sure
31 people found this helpful.
This stuff is good highly recommend. If used properly and you follow the instructions I am confident you will achieve your goal. GET RID OF THEM
This product is a must have
36 people found this helpful.
I purchased this along with the hot shot bed bug spray and killer green bed bug spray..I can honestly say this powder works wonders! I poured it around my bed, baseboards..every other day I’ll find a dried up bed bug or two underneath my bed. Please keep in mind that when using this product, you’ll have to be patient. This stuff really works but it takes time to dehrydrate those nasty things..
Make sure to get something that will spread the powder …
10 people found this helpful.
Make sure to get something that will spread the powder around evenly onto surfaces. It doesn’t work unless the bugs walk through it. That said, it did what it said it would do. I still ended up having to have a professional come in and take care of it, but if you catch it early enough and follow directions exactly, this might work for you.
I saw some bed bugs and pretty much coated my couch with this
15 people found this helpful.
I saw some bed bugs and pretty much coated my couch with this. the exterminator told me “if they aren’t dead, they will be.” mind you this is not pet or child friendly and when cleaning it up you have to use a mask to not get the fumes in. I suggest goggles too. However the exterminator recommended this product. so this is a useful product. However it’s not ordorless. it smells quite bad. And can clot blood so be careful.