Copper Bottle, Yoga Water Bottle, Thermos (Bottle with Glass), 9 inch Bottle, Valentine’s Day Gift
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This Bottle is Made by solid 100% pure copper, Copper is known to be far more poisonous to bacteria than others, e,g, stainless steel or aluminum, Storing water only for about three hours in a copper bottle can kill harmful bacteria, practical and effective method of drinking water in its most holistic way – drinking water from a copper vessel, To make copper water, pour water in the copper vessel and leave it overnight, When water is kept for a specific time period in the copper vessel, it kills the undesirable bacteria and viruses and the resultant water gets charged with the health benefiting qualities of the copper, Drink it as soon as you get up in the morning, You can also use your copper cup to drink water from it at all times, It's recommended to drink the water at room temperature, The copper vessel should not be stored in fridge, Copper darkens naturally over a period of time, The copper vessel and requires cleaning from time to time, Use lemon juice or tamarind to rub the utensils, Leave it for few minutes and wash with water,