Coleman 2000003368 Steel Camp Axe
Coleman Hatchet Review
Testing A $15 Coleman Hatchet
coleman camp ax chopping test

Amazon Price: N/A $3.51 You save: $6.48 (65%). (as of December 22, 2016 9:43 pm –
Steel Camp Axe, Drop Forged Carbon Steel Axe Head, Forged Steel Handle, Ergonomic Non Slip Grip.
Product Details
- Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1 x 14.5 inches ; 1.8 pounds
- Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
Customer Reviews
Over 2 Years of use
100 people found this helpful.
Got mine in The Summer of 2010. Its Held up nicely, But is Quite rusty and Even though walmart carries them religiously, It is still possible to buy them online.
A Tip of the Hat for "20 Plus" Years of Service !
94 people found this helpful.
Got this axe sometime in the late 80’s and beat it to death. The butt is flattened out and the edge has shrunk back from years of use and sharpening. The head is bent back a bit and the plastic handle has a split in it. It has a few minor rust spots, gouges and discoloration but still responds to sharpening. It hangs in the front of the garage, gets thrown in the back of the truck and sometimes spends the night outside with its blade nestled deep into the rings of a tree stump.
Happy Camper/Hiker
52 people found this helpful.
Must agree with the other reviewer: this is a good, strong axe. The handle is quite sturdy and has the finger-grip style handle. Good for cutting trees about the thickness of an average sized persons thigh. Thicker than that and you will tire yourself out and probably injure yourself. Also good for hammering in tent stakes and such. Comes with a cheap, flimsy, plastic sheath. After four years, surprised my sheath is still useable. Only thing that is a drawback is that it does not come with its own leather sheath as stated from the other reviewer. If you want to attach this axe to a utility belt or back, you have to get creative or try and find a leather sheath for it. Also, good for self defense purposes.
A useful compromise
35 people found this helpful.
As I get older I’m increasingly drawn to getting out into the wilderness and relying on my own ingenuity and a backpack full of equipment in order to traverse the distance between where I am and where I want to be, in a manner that is reasonably safe and comfortable. After trying to cut through branches with a sharp hunting knife and a stone (use the stone to drive the knife blade through the branch) I decided to buy a small hand-axe.
Good hatchet for the price
5 people found this helpful.
Some wasteful person dumped an abused Coleman hatchet next to my apartment dumpster. The hatchet was still in the original plastic sheath but had been soaked in water for sometime and was covered in rust. In addition, the hatchet blade was considerably abused with a pretty good chip on the top and a blunt blade. I soaked the hatchet head in vinegar then went to the hardware store and bought some 150 grit sandpaper, a metal file, and some rustop paint. A few hours later I sanded all the rust off it, sharpened the blade and painted it. This thing works great! Anything that can be abused like that and still come out strong is well worth the money. Don’t let the price fool ya, this is a durable product!
Ugly but effective
3 people found this helpful.
This camp axe is not going to win any competitions for being made of high-tech materials, carbon fiber handle, handsomely crafted, or other such things, but it will not let you down. You can pick these up pretty much anywhere that tools. The head it a high carbon steel that is very durable, and the axe head has a good heft to it making it good at driving a split. I have had one for 8 years, in which time it rusted a bit, but I dug it out of storage and used some vinegar and steel wool and sharpened it up to a fine edge and it works as well as any of the “tacticool” hatchets.